
Judicial Bus reaches Hyderabad.

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Niaz Ahmed Janjhi
HYDERABAD – The deposed chief justice of Sindh High Court Justice Sabihuddin has urged the people to play their role in building the institutions as the time is ripe for it adding that we are not terrorist, we are peace-loving people.He was addressing the lawyers of Hyderabad when judicial bus carrying deposed judges and senior lawyers from Karachi reached here on Saturday.The deposed Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali, Justice Ghulam Rabbani, Justice Rasheed Ahmed Razvi and Justice Faisal Arab along with six other colleagues and senior lawyer Munir A Malik and others were travelling in the judicial bus. They were led by Justice Sabihuddin. The bus was decorated with portraits of deposed Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The programme was arranged by Sindh High Court Bar Association Hyderabad.Sabihuddin said they had experience that it takes time to build institutions, it was not like that we made institution on paper adding that institutions were made earlier but had been occupied forcibly and unconstitutionally hence it was time to realize and express fraternity with the lawyers.The lawyers through a resolution warned the political parties not to endorse the November 3, proclamation of emergency and the Provisional Constitutional Order. Lawyers urged the political parties to restore judiciary before Nov 3 status. Advocate Munir A Malik said that our target was very near. It would be more successful than July 20, 2007, if the lawyers remained united. He said the purpose of movement started from March 9, was to create awareness among the people and judges, from magistrate to Supreme Court judge to work honestly and boldly like Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. He said that from March 9 to July 20, was the first phase of movement, in which role-played by media, civil society cannot be ignored.Referring to the election results he said these had axed undemocratic power. He said that elected representatives who supported us in past would now restore the judiciary.However, he said if they did not restore it, we will not leave this movement for anybody and would continue till the achievement of our goals.He said today’s judiciary was like rubber stamp. We want to kick out the black sheep who were among our ranks. He put a question to political parties, whether they wanted a judiciary in the hands of Justice Dogar or Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.The programme was attended by senior lawyers, Rasool Bux Palijo, Yousuf Leghari Jhamatmal and lawyers from Malir, Jamshoro, Karachi and Mirpurkhas.Justice Sabihuddin took oath of allegiance from the president and vice president of Hyderabad Bar Association. The president of Hyderabad bar Abdul Sattar Qazi told the audience that they wanted to arrange this programme in the High Court but the registrar had sealed the High Court premises last night.
link: http://www.nation.com.pk/daily/feb-2008/24/index13.php

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