
Delegation of Qatar calls on the CJP.

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A delegation headed by Mr. Masoud Mohamed Al-Ameri, The Chief Justice of the Court of Cassation and the President of the Supreme Judiciary Council of the state of Qatar and comprising Dr. Thaqeel Sayer Alshammari, Deputy Chief Justice of the Court of Cassation, Mr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Kuwari, Mr. Mohamed Rashid Alnuaimi and Mr. Omar Gamin Mohamed called on the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry today i.e. 26.04.2012 in Supreme Court Building, Islamabad. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Agha Rafiq Ahmed Khan, Chief Justice Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan was also present on the occasion.
Welcoming the delegation, Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan said “exchange of judicial delegations is always a healthy and a good tradition to benefit from each other’s experience and knowledge. Pakistan and Qatar are sisterly countries having various commonalities in judicial and legal systems in as much as Islamic laws are enforced in both of the countries. Therefore, such exchanges would help enhance the cooperation and close friendly ties between the countries”.
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Qatar reciprocated the views and sentiments expressed by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan and extended invitation to Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan to visit Qatar at his earliest convenience.
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan told the delegation that judiciary in Pakistan is independent and impartial. Independence of judiciary is a key priority upon which no compromise can be made. Judiciary has to earn the trust of the people, which can only be done when judiciary is independent, impartial and unprejudiced. Litigation has also increased due the ever increasing trust and expectations of public at large from this institution.
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Qatar asked Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan about the ADR system. The Hon’ble Chief Justice informed the delegation that in ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) there are some written as well as amended laws. It is an effective method of resolving the conflicts and settling disputes through compromise and consensus. It is successful method in cooperate and civil matters. There are two centers of ADRs, one in Lahore and other in Karachi. To make this system more effective, the public awareness about the system needs to raised so that they may be benefited from this method .ADR finds its roots in Islamic system. Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and the Caliphs resolved the issues through mediation and reconciliation. The outcome of ADR is durable as issues are settled on mutual consensus.
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Qatar extended his thanks to Hon’ble Chief Justice of Pakistan for a warm welcome and the hospitality extended to him and the members of his delegation during their stay in Pakistan.

link: http://www.supremecourt.gov.pk/web/page.asp?id=1041

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