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Researcher: Zahid Shahab Ahmed, MA Peace Education United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica. Enrolled for PhD in Peace Studies at the University of New England, Australia.
Initiative specific survey
Name: Sarah Mahmood Peracha
Age: 21
1. What is your motivation behind Chief Justic Iftikhar Muhammad Chaurdhry’s Blog and your group on the facebook for him?
Chief Justice Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry’s deeds force me to do something ostensive-ly. As much I read and research and heard about him there was nothing worst I found about him and as Quaid-e-Azam (ra) said think 10 times before taking any decision and if you have decided once than committed with yours decision. Once I realize that there is no single effort online for preserving the entire database related to Chief Justice Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and promoting this movement, I feel to make a group and blog.
2. Who do the posters and contents of your initiatives?
I do/create and handle all the posters and contents by my self. Most of the shared pictures have been captured by various photographers.
3. What is this Save Judiciary Movement and what do you think it aimed at?
Save Judiciary Movement is basically made after 3rd nov. 2007. It works to promote the cause on groups and individual basis and make people aware about lawyer’s movement and the justice conditions and difference in the time of CJP Iftikhar and others Judges.
Its aim is crystal clear restoration of judges and making an eye on the system of justice in the country.
4. How effective do you think the digital activism is, especially with regard to your work?
Before 3rd November 2007 Digital Activism in Pakistan wasn’t that effective and worthy but after 3rd November 2007 and during emergency Digital Activism was the only way to throw protests and be connected with all the people whom support the cause. My group members and blog visitors rapidly increase after 3rd nov. 2007 From less than 100 members to more than 200 members in just a week. It’s a prove that Pakistanis rushed towards internet to get in touch with the happenings and it shows its effectiveness.
5. What do you think are the successes of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan?
People now are more aware of law and their rights and giving a new current to our civil-society and nation are incredible successes of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan.
6. Where do you see the lawyers’ movement heading to?
Lawyers’ movement is heading towards a stage where very fewer movements reach not even in Pakistan but also in whole world. So its mean that this movement is still committed to its first day thought “Rule of Law”.
7. Any other interesting facts from your work; digital activism?
There are many but when those people who firstly vituperate and than accept your view point and be with the cause from deep of their heart it gives priceless feelings. After all, all this is for the betterment of our country “Pakistan” and when we get together we could do more better deeds rather through digital activism or through other ways.